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Four Lazy Ways to Earn Money Online

I would like to take you through four of my favorite lazy ways to earn money online for those beginners out there seeking a simple way. Now now just for the record I’m not really a strong believer in the approach of making money as a lazy person because at the end of the day, making money is a very important thing that we need to put lots of seriousness into; however, if you are a person that is maybe working a full-time job or maybe you are a full-time student, you’re a full-time parent, or you are just somebody that does not really have that much time during the day, then this article is going to be perfect for you because if you are able to do what you need to do when it comes to setting things up, being able to go from zero to earn your first bit of revenue and profit is not really going to be difficult.

Buying shares in billion-dollar companies

So, let’s jump into one of the first laziest ways that you can make a passive income online, which is by buying shares into billion-dollar companies, and before you click off this article, I’m sure right now you’re probably thinking, “Sam, how exactly am I going to buy shares in billion-dollar companies? And I understand totally, it sounds complicated, but realistically, it’s probably one of the most simplistic ways for you to make money without doing any work at all on your part because basically the way that this works is that you’re going to buy into billion-dollar companies, but you’re going to do it through the stock market.

Just quickly to show you exactly how all of this works, I’m just gonna jump into one of the investment apps that I use when it comes to investing into all of these different billion-dollar companies. Right here, I know you can see how I’ve been able to build up this app to the point where I’ve got more than £67,000 in it and the profit available for me to take out right now is around £4,000, well £3,000 £700 to be exact.

The S&P 500: A Recommended Index Fund

If I wanted to, I literally could click into this and withdraw the money right into my bank account, but I’m not going to do that. I am going to leave it in there so it can continue growing. And for all of you out there right now who are wondering, “Sam, which billion-dollar companies am I going to buy shares into for me to make a passive income like this? ” Well, it’s going to be a lot of the big companies that you probably heard of and you probably use yourself, you know, Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Google, and I would recommend that you don’t buy individual shares in all these different companies.

You can use various different apps or various different brokers depending on what country you live in.
Ranking Products on the Internet

But one of the second laziest ways of making money online is ranking products on the Internet. Now with this method, it does require a little bit more work, but as you can see over here, there’s normal people like me and you that have built these sites where what they’re doing is reviewing all of these different products. Not really a whole lot of opportunity to make money, when that couldn’t be farther from the truth. Because if I was to click into any one of these different products, let’s click into this category over here.

So on this page, as you can see, what they’re doing is reviewing the top 10 baby strollers, you know, they’ve got the images for all of them, the product name, the rating, and they’ve also got this link over here that when someone clicks into it, it’s going to take the person directly over to Amazon where if the person now decided to buy this product, the person that owns the website is going to be able to earn a payment or a commission that’s going to be paid directly from Amazon.
The lazy aspect of affiliate marketing So, and that’s the reason why I believe this is just a lazy way to make money online because all you have to do is build a website and give your opinion on what product is the best one, and just ensure that you include your Amazon affiliate link there so you can start earning that commission without having to deal with the stress of, you know, buying your stuff in bulk from China, listing it on your Amazon store, dealing with refunds, dealing with manufacturers, dealing with customers. But the people owning this type of site, they don’t have to do anything like that.

The only job that they have to do is to ensure that they are driving enough traffic to their website so that then they can sit back and earn a passive source of income.

You then need to click on this button and the sign up process isn’t going to take more than 2 to 5 minutes for you to complete. And once you have completed the sign up stage and you go back onto Amazon, you’re going to see this gray strip at the top over here, and this is what you’re going to use when it comes to you being able to get any affiliate link for any product that’s currently being sold on Amazon.

Request for Full Amazon Affiliate Video

And if you wanted me to do a full step-by-step video showing you everything that goes into building a website in the easiest way possible, making sure that you put your Amazon affiliate links on that website the right way and everything you need to know when it comes to promoting the website. Then, place this in the comments down below “do the Amazon affiliate video,” and I’ll get onto it as quickly as possible.

And when it comes to all of these different sites that are getting billions of people going onto it on a daily basis, there’s a lot of opportunity when it comes to being able to earn a source of income from them. Now when it specifically comes to starting a YouTube channel, there’s more difficult ways to get started. I would say showing your face on camera is probably going to take a lot more time, a lot more energy, you’re going to need some sort of equipment, you know, you might need a phone with a camera on it, you might need to buy a camera, lighting equipment and all of this type of stuff. It costs you something in terms of initial outlay and you also have to learn how to edit a video as well.

AI Content for YouTube Channels

That’s actually why I would recommend most people who are considering doing a YouTube channel but don’t want to be on camera to do it with AI content. It is going to be much easier at the production end, it is going to be far quicker publishing the videos. And for those of you that are thinking, “But Sam, I thought that AI content isn’t monetizable on YouTube.” Now that isn’t true because if we just go over to Google Gemini, Google Gemini for those of you that don’t know it is a bot that you can have a one-on-one conversation with, is connected to Google, so the information that we’re going to get from it is going to be 99% accurate.

Profiting from AI-Generated Videos on YouTube

So I’m just going to ask it, “is it possible to monetize AI generated videos on YouTube with Google AdSense?” I’m just going to click on submit and just like that, as you can see, it’s instantly come back letting us know that yes, it is possible to monetize AI videos on YouTube.

So, now it is very important for you to know that in order to monetize your videos to get to that point, you’ll need to have 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 hours of watch time, so it might take about one month, two months for you to reach that point.
VidIQ: A YouTube Research Tool Now, to get you to do this as soon as possible, you have to ensure that you are doing the right research in finding videos that you are pretty sure people want to watch because this would increase your chances of getting views, getting watch hours, and, in the long run, making money. The software that I would recommend you guys use when it comes to figuring all of this out is VidIQ. They have so many different features, but they have a specific one called outliers with this.

You’re going to be able to see channels with 1,000 subscribers but yet they have been able to get tens of thousands of views on their videos, so you’re going to be able to know what video is going to most likely perform well on your new channel.
Invideo AI: Tool for Video Creation However, when it comes to the production, I think the tool that you should use is Invideo AI. That’s why I recommend that one, because you don’t need any editing skills, you don’t need any design skills, and not even in order to get the overlays, you’ll need to go on another website, or to get the voice, you need to go anywhere else; everything is gonna be in one place, and it’s gonna be able to generate a video for you in less than 5 maybe 7 minutes.

So it’s basically that you can make something like this produce five videos, 10 videos, and schedule them to be uploaded-you know-through two, three weeks.

The Laziness of AI YouTube Channels

This has to rank in one of the laziest methods there is for making money online, for sure, because you can just be starting multiple different YouTube channels in multiple different niches, you know, all running at once. And you’re not the one, literally doing the videos yourself, and you’re leveraging the strength of AI and sitting back, perhaps even watching money coming in without needing to do much work for it.

AI Dropshipping: The Fourth Lazy Way

And this now brings me on to the fourth laziest way of making money online, which is by doing AI dropshipping. Now, I must confess, if you’re doing dropshipping, it’s not entirely lazy, but when I say specifically AI dropshipping, then generally speaking, this means you are going to use all these various different AI bots that are going to help you out in all these different parts of the process and, in general, means much of the work is simply taken off your hands.

Dropping the Knowledge

Now, I’m sure at this stage, everyone knows what dropshipping is. It’s just building a store into where you’re going to make those products available to people who want to buy the products, and it’s going to be your dropshipping supplier’s responsibility to ensure that product has been picked, packed, and shipped out to that customer, which means you never have to see any inventory. There are certain ways through which you can use AI in helping you through other parts of the process, from actually building out your store, automatically loading it with winning products that have proven to sell, and then AI applied when it is about helping customers land on your store for revenues and profits.


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