Essential Google Apps (Part 2)

"Essential Google Apps (Part 2)"

Hello friends, how are you? I hope you all are well. You will find the best apps on this site. So, as you all know, before that I had an article on this site “Top Google Apps For Smartphone Users“. But in that article, I told you about only four Google Apps which are very rare. And Google has a lot of apps. So in this article, I am at your service with more Essential Google apps. There were four in that article, but in this article, we will talk about many of the apps from Google. So without wasting time let’s get started with Part 2 of Essential Google Apps.

Google One

Google One "Essential Google Apps (Part 2)"

“Google One” is an application from Google. Which helps you manage your Google storage. It allows you to manage that 15 GB that comes with each Google Account. It backs up important things from your phone automatically. such as contacts, photos, and messages using your free 15 GB of storage that comes with every Google Account. If you change your mobile, you can easily restore all your data on that mobile with the help of this app of Google. With the help of this app, you can see which app (like photos, Drive, Gmail, and others) of google covered the most storage for your Google account. You can also manage your Google account storage in the same app.
Get a “Google One” membership and take advantage of the extra features (like sharing storage for your friends, Exclusive access to google experts for solving your problem regarding any issue of any google apps, and more).
Download This App from the button below

Google Drive

Google Drive "Essential Google Apps (Part 2)"

Google Drive is also a cloud app that uses storage from the 15 GB that comes with every Google account. It is a very useful app. In this app, you can store your data and then you can easily view and download it on any device. Just upload your file in this app and then view it on any device. You can save your image, audio, documents, and anything else in it. You can even save the .apk files in it. Simply Upload That File and then easily download it from any device.
The condition is that the device from which you want to upload it and the device on which you want to download it must have the same Google Account login on both devices. With the sharing feature, you can share your data with your friends.
Google accounts get 15 GB of storage free, shared across Google Drive, Gmail, and Google Photos.

Google Photos

Google Photos "Essential Google Apps (Part 2)"

My favorite app so far is Google’s “Google Photos“. This app is my favorite because this app has been very useful to me. With the help of this app, people can back up their photos. This app uses the same 15 Gb that is given to each of your Google accounts. In this app you can back up your photos and then view them from anywhere, you can download them from anywhere, from any device. This app gives you cloud storage. Which helps you back up your photos. And as this app belongs to Google, so your privacy is also protected. Google does not view your photos. Google’s app gives you cloud storage as well as the ability to edit photos and videos. This app automatically backs up the photos coming to your mobile.
A feature called “Faces” lets you set your family members’ photos by individual members.
A feature called “Location” helps you find the image you clicked on at a specific location.
With the sharing option, you can share all your photos with others.
This Google app also allows you to edit your photos. with the help of this feature you can edit your photos substantially.
In my point of view, this app is one of the Essential Google Apps. Download This app now.

Files by Google

Files By Google "Essential Google Apps (Part 2)"

Our next app is named “Files by Google“. This app is a very nice app. This app lets you increase the storage space of your mobile by deleting junk from your mobile. The app also suggests you “save space by deleting these junk files“. With the help of this app, you can browse which files cover more space on your mobile. Like pictures or videos.
The best feature of this app is my favorite. With the help of this app, you can transfer data from one mobile to another mobile at high speed without the internet.
Back up your files to Goole drive and any other Cloud app Directly.

Google Contacts

Google Contacts "Essential Google Apps (Part 2)"

Google Contacts, A Very Great app for you. This app from Google is also very useful. If you save your contacts in Google Account instead of Phone or SIM then you are going to get a lot of benefits. Most of the time your mobile goes bad. Or if you buy a new phone then you have to transfer all the contacts of the old mobile to the new mobile. It is a very difficult task to write down a single contact and save it on new mobile. But Google’s app has made your job much easier.
All you have to do is download the app and then this Google app will automatically back up all your contacts to your Google Account. Then wherever you log in to your Google account, you will see all the contacts. With the help of this app, you can merge two same contacts. Import contacts to a google account from the sim, Export to sim, Move To trash, and much more.


Snapseed By Google  "Essential Google Apps (Part 2)"

The last app of this article is named “Snapseed”. This app is a photo editing app from Google. This app allows you to edit your photos well. In this app, you will find many editing options.
Tune image: adjust colour and exposure automatically or manually
Curves: Control Brightness easily of you photos
White balance: Adjust colors to make your photos real
crop your photos
Change Angle of your photos
fix skewed lines and perfect the geometry of horizons or buildings
increase the size of your canvas
the renowned Control Point technology

I have explained in detail about this app of Google in this article. In this article, I have told you about the best photo editing apps. One of these apps is also Google’s app. You can learn more about this app from Google by reading this article. Click Here to read

This is today’s article “Essential Google Apps.” I hope you like these Google apps too. If you also want to read Part One of this article and take benefit from some of Google’s Apps then click here and read Part One of this article. Google has a lot of apps, I will soon be bringing part three of Google Apps to your service. Please stay tuned and keep visiting our website.

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